Thursday, May 5, 2011

One-On-One With ‘Chloë’ YouTube Sensation Drew Droege

Entertainment, Artist: 
'Chloe' YouTube video creator Drew Droege talks inspiration, Wonder Woman, and of course, Chloe 

In one of the most entertaining webisode series to hit the web since Chris Crocker in his closet, actor/comedian Drew Droege takes character acting to a whole new level. Created by Droege in the spring of 2010, webisode series Chloe is a nation wide hit raking in hundreds of thousands of views per episode buzzing everywhere from the Huffington Post to

Now an “It” girl in her own right, Chloe (the character) was originally inspired by none other than the ultra-fabulous Ms. Chloë Sevigny. Droege tells of his “Chloe” discovery, "Years ago, I was doing a sketch show and tried on a blonde wig for something else. I looked in the mirror and just said, 'I look like Chloe Sevigny.’” He continues, “I saw a picture of her wearing sailor slacks, pin curls, and a gentleman's ascot. Then I read an interview with her, in which she talked about Devon Aoki, DJ Frankie Knuckles, and Fassbinder. I was in love.”

After playing the snooty Ms. Sevigny on stage for some odd years, Droege took miss thang to Hollywood - lights, camera, YouTube! From “Birthday” specials to “Summer” spoofs, Chloe was everywhere and the webosphere loved her. Many of us know “Chloe,” but tell us about Drew Droege the person… what are some things the world might not know about you?

Drew Droege: I’m not nearly as cool as Chloe. I'm a nerd who lives vicariously.

SS: As an artist, who is your biggest inspiration and why?

DD: Carol Burnett! She's the reason that I'm an entertainer. I've loved her since I was 3 years old, and she still kills me. There's so much heart and depth in what she does, and above that, she's just balls-to-the-wall funny.

Then, it would be John Waters; his movies have shaped me like no one else can/will ever do. I can quote them all - yup, BIG NERD.

And finally, Bret Easton Ellis - basically "Chloe" is ripping him off.  His obsession with detail/name-dropping is both psychotic and brilliant.

SS: Who was your fantasy alter ego as child and what was the thrill in that person or character for you?

DD: I loved Wonder Woman - I didn't want to be her, but I wanted her to be my best friend. I made my parents set a place at the dinner table for her. When my mom asked me why I liked Wonder Woman, I said "because she has such big boots." I also wanted to be pals with Freddy Krueger.  I've always been on his side.

SS: You’re an extremely talented actor with a lengthy resume. What initially drew to you to the arts?

DD: Wow, thank you. I've always wanted to be a serious actor, and hopefully I'll get to do more of that in the future. I tried to do drama in college but kept getting laughs. It was humiliating. I also wanted to do musicals, but I can't sing. I was never cast as an ingenue/leading man, so when you're 22 and have depleted your Ben Nye make-up kit of all its silver hair dye, mustaches, and warts, you do sketch comedy.
SS: When you started channeling your character “Chloe Sevigny” on YouTube, did you have any idea it would blow up the way it did?

DD: No way! I was doing it on stage for years, and Jim Hansen (the "Chloe" director) just asked me to make some videos. I've done lots of stuff on the internet, and I never know what's going to work. Even within the Chloe videos, I don't know which jokes are going to land better than others. Jim and I just make each other laugh and hope that it translates!

SS: Now we have to ask – what is your FAVORITE Chloe episode?

DD: It sounds so trite to say "Oh, I don't really watch my work", but it's true - I'm too critical. I love making the vids more than watching them, but if I had to pick, I think "Toast" is really fun.  It also has High Fashion's "Amazing" song - those people are genius people.

SS: What sort of future can we expect from Chloe? Ever thought about taking her to the big screen?

DD: Well, Jim and I just shot 3 new videos today, which will come out monthly during the summer. I think "Chloe"'s best served as a shortform internet series. I have put her in various other shorts and shows, and I always love playing her. But I really hope that I get to do all kinds of different roles. And - as much as I'd love to turn her into a feature - trust me Chad, you DO NOT want to see 2 hours of "Good Evening, America”. Unless Freddy Krueger was involved.

Charming, kind, and extremely talented, there’s really no telling where Drew Droege will take his character acting next. The world is yours for the taking, Mr. Droege. 

To keep up with Drew and Chloeclick here!

[Video courtesy of Drew Droege] 


Thomas Max said...


Anonymous said...

these vidoes are amazing, love him

Kennedy said...

Two super brilliant characters. Why don't we see more from people like this? Entertainment these days is so polluted with "Real Housewives" and "Teen Moms" while the talented geniuses of the world are hardly noticed sometimes. Props to Drew Droege! He's great!

Lasha said...

He is incredible!! The world needs more of Drew!!

Marshall said...

His videos make me so happy!!!

Paul said...

A comic genius and a gentleman. Can't wait to see the videos over the summer.

Anonymous said...

This guy is amazing! How can we nominate him for SNL?

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