Sunday, February 13, 2011

Kick-Ass Exercises For Your Butt

Fitness via Decaptain:
Today bottom’s up, literally. When asking guys on Twitter what they felt was a trouble area, many responded it was their behinds. Yes, women may go around wanting a Nicki Minaj, Beyonce, or Jennifer Lopez ass but it seems guys are equally interested in an impressive romp. And hey, why not? Your butt (or glutes to be a bit more proper) is a big muscle and many of us go through our day sitting on it and not thinking much about it. Likely, you aren’t working it out because you aren’t sure what you can do to beef it up. Many guys will make the mistake of eating to fatten it up. Ugh. That’ll lead to a big butt, flabby abs, and big everything else.
To get a bigger, muscular, more impressive ass you need to work it out like any other body part. Sure, you aren’t going to to be pumping weights with your cheeks but doing a combination of some of the suggested exercises below will you tone your posterior and have all the girls (and guys) breaking their necks to get a peek at your bootylicious bottom:
1. Squats: If there’s one move you’ll always see recommended as a must, it’s a squat. You can do a squat with or without weights. This is a super move that trains your thighs, hips, buttocks and hamstrings. The beauty of this simple move is that it works all the muscles that build your legs and help sculpt your butt. For men, by laying a barbell across your back as you slowly squat, you’ll probably see more of an impact on your body from this move than a woman would. You can also modify this move by holding dumbells at your sides and squatting as you do the move. You don’t have to use any weight at all with this move; simply leap up in the air three times and take note of your foot positioning after the third leap; that’s your proper squatting position. The idea is to perform this move slowly as you descend and to really squeeze your glutes (butt cheeks) and abs in tight as you raise.
2. Lunges: Ever heard the phrase “put your best foot forward”? Then you can apply that thinking to this move. The lunge emphasizes your quadriceps (the muscles around your knee joint), back of the thighs, hamstrings and glutes. If you haven’t been able to pick up on it, building stronger, muscular legs is the secret path toward an impressive butt. Again, combine some weights with this move to really charge it up. Try holding a barbell across your back as you do this move or at least a pair of dumbbells should be held in your hand to make this move a bit more complex and work more muscles. And keep in mind that you can (and should) reverse the lunge or even do lunges to the side to hit and work different muscles.
3. Kickback: This is a move all of you naughty boys should like. Get down on your hands and knees and raise your head slightly. Keep your leg slightly bent as your raise it behind you. Do this move slowly and as you raise your leg, hold it in place for a few seconds and really squeeze your glutes at the top of the move to feel the burn. Doing a kickback quickly doesn’t do much good at all so take it slow and feel the burn.
4. Step Up: Find an elevated platform and rest one foot on it. Use your legs and glutes to propel yourself upward to a standing position, squeezing your glutes as you “step up” on the platform. This is an easy move you can do anywhere. Not only will this move help shape your butt but it will also work your core (abs).

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